Thursday, April 9, 2009

'Ultimate' Fighting

Lately as I flip through the T.V. stations I'm seeing a growing trend of 'ultimate fighting' AKA MMA (mixed martial arts) and I can't help but notice how pathetic a sport this is.

There is so little actual martial arts that I can't tell difference between it and a random fight video from youtube.

These fights consist of two guys of the same weight, build, and obvious prior mental handicap throwing haymakers at eachother until one of them eventually lands one and knocks the other out. Or even worse, they'll both immediately go to the ground and try to chock the other out while intermittently trying to land a K.O. blow. Boring.

I see little strategy and even less finess. I consider this more of a violent entertainment for people w
ho would probably fight you over something as stupid as losing a coin flip. Then again, there is a huge mass of uneducated archaic people who love watching one man bash another with his fist. I pity the athletes who have to do this, it's sad.

These are just my options of a sport that lacks in substance and has an overabundance of brutal violence. I just feel something gets lost in the middle.

Today's Pic of the Da
y:I drew this in Photoshop for a good friend of mine yesterday.

Today's Random Stumble: LOL zombie stippers!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post! I'm not sure whether to want to laugh or cry, but I definitely agree with you. I think it's just another symptom of our overly consumerist culture. People want violence, nothing else, and lots of it, so we give it to them. Sad, really.
